Category: Exclusive

Ranapratap Singh: The Determined Young Trekker Ready to Make History

In a small town called Baniyapur, Bihar, there's a young man named Ranapratap Singh who's about to do something really cool. Even though he's only 23 years old, Ranapratap is aiming to...

Top 4 Visionary Literary Personalities Of India | 2024

Making a list of top 4 visionary literary personalities of India (2024) is not easy. We chose them carefully using certain important criteria. Firstly, we looked at their writing and how it...

Innovative & Advanced Aesthetic Treatments at Clinilogic Aesthetics and Wellness Centre Bhubaneswar: An Overview

Dr. Lita Mohapatra is indeed a well-travelled and highly accomplished individual. She has a diverse educational background, having graduated as a doctor from Maharaja Krushna Chandra Gajapati Medical College in India, pursued...

Breaking Stereotypes and Redefining Beauty: Inside the Phenomenon of Indie Royal MissMrs India Season 9

Indie Royal MISS MRS INDIA 2024 powered by Tranistics Data Technologies Pvt Ltd and Fever FM as radio partner is back with its season 9 to showcase THE POWER OF THE CROWN!...

40 Years of investigative experience at your fingertips: A candid chat with Mr. Niket sharma from Authentic Investigation.

In an era where mystery meets pixels, Authentic Investigation is breaking new ground in the Investigative services universe under the savvy leadership of Mr Sunil Sharma, the detective extraordinaire. Armed with over...

21 Famous Indian Writers Of The 21st Century

In compiling the list of 21 Famous Indian Writers of the 21st Century, several key criteria were meticulously evaluated to ensure a comprehensive and representative selection. Firstly, each writer's literary contributions and...

‘The Crazy Tales’ Powerful Women Awards 2024, successfully wrapped up on March 22 in New Delhi

The Crazy Tales on 22nd of March 2024, Organised the 4th Powerful Women Awards at the India International Centre (IIC), Multi- Purpose Hall, Lodhi Road, in New Delhi. The Crazy Tales has been...

First edition of Salt Lake Affordable Art Fair

Inauguration by Chief Guest Mr Qin Yong, Chinese Consulate Kolkata, 2nd March, 2024:  The Salt Lake Affordable Art Fair, being held on 2nd and 3rd March, 2 024 at Aikatan Cultural Centre will...
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